The 3-Month Transformation Programme for Mothers

Taking you from feeling lost, stuck and full of self doubt to unlocking your confidence, fully trusting yourself and creating a life of more calm and clarity in motherhood.


  • You’re trying to balance it ‘all’ - your relationship, doing a good job at work and being present for your kids at home. You feel completely burnt out, overwhelmed and no matter how hard you try to get it ‘right’, you feel like you’re failing. 

  • Since becoming a mother, you feel disconnected, like you’ve lost your sense of self. You often reminisce about the person you were before you had children and wish you could get that sense of identity back. 

  • At the end of the day you lie in bed and replay all the ways you were less then perfect’ as a parent and start beating yourself up for not being the mum you feel you should be. You don’t feel like you’ve ever got this ‘mum thing’ under control and are living in an endless loop of guilt and shame. 

  • Perhaps you’re struggling to get back into the groove of work again after maternity leave. Imposter syndrome has started to creep in, you keep second-guessing yourself and now you’re unsure if you’re even cut out for the job anymore.

BUT it doesn't have to be this way!  It IS possible to feel in control of your life again and to find that confidence you feel you’ve lost since becoming a mother.

You just need the right tools, support and strategies to let go of the fear holding you back so you can feel more aligned to who you truly are now in motherhood and confidently stand in your POWER.

This is where I come in!


  • You let go of the need to get everything ‘perfect’. You had the tools to confidently navigate motherhood and your career so that you could feel calmer, present and more in control.

  • You finally felt you’d re-connected to yourself in your new found identity. You no longer felt ‘just’ like a mother, your confidence was back and you knew who you truly were.

  • Your inner critic wasn’t running the show anymore. You had the tools and strategies to remove guilt and treat yourself with compassion. You no longer strived for perfection and instead you believed that your good enough is more than enough. 

  • You'd stepped into a newfound self belief and confidence in your abilities at work. The imposter syndrome that once crippled you no longer ran the show and you had the strategies in place to ensure you felt competent and capable.


When you work with me 1:1, I create a safe space for peeling back the layers of self-doubt, limiting beliefs and fear, keeping you stuck and second guessing yourself. 

Using a combination of powerful coaching modalities including Inner Child Healing and FasterEFT (Emotional Focused Transformation), we will uncover and release your deep rooted mindset blocks in your subconscious that are keeping you feeling lost, stuck and full of self doubt so you can heal your past, fully trust yourself and feel confident showing up as the woman and mother you were always meant to be, living a life of more happiness, calm and clarity.


  • Identify what motherhood and career means to you and design a blueprint to support you in managing ‘the juggle’ on a more consistent basis

  • Navigate your identity shift into motherhood so you can feel more connected and aligned to yourself

  • Teach you the tools and strategies to transform your inner critic into a inner coach finally treating yourself with more compassion

  • Overcome imposter syndrome by unlocking your self worth shifting you into more confidence and self belief Breaking patterns and cycles from the past that no longer serve you so you can create change for yourself and your children


One-off Payment: £1,500

x3 Month Payment Plan: £500

I’m ready to book my complimentary 20-min session with Kelly


  • “The life that I knew is over. I am a happier, freer and better mum and woman! I knew I needed to change and Kelly gave me the support and tools to actually do it. Coaching was the best thing I could have done for my family and most importantly, me. I feel alive again!”

    Laura - Mum of 2

  • “Kelly has supported and coached me through an extremely difficult time, as I was going through an emotional separation and divorce. My self-esteem was at rock bottom. During this time I was short-tempered with the children and often felt like I was letting them down. With Kelly's support, I have learnt to understand my triggers, grown to be more confident and in turn I'm happier and feel I'm showing up as the mum I want to be”

    Rebecca, Mum of 2 - Reading

  • “Before starting coaching I felt lost - often parenting in a way that I didn't like and feeling upset with myself as a result. I was stuck in a cycle that I didn't know how to break. Working with Kelly has shown me what was driving my behaviour and finding ways out of that cycle. I am a work in progress but I have seen significant changes with my relationship with one child in particular, where there was frequent conflict and meltdowns, there are far fewer now. I have learned how to show myself more self-compassion which has changed everything, I am so grateful."

    Kirsty, Mum of 2 - Berkshire

Why Kelly?

Kelly is a mother of two, a qualified Coach specialising in Inner Child work.

Kelly's experience of motherhood has been less than straightforward. Having suffered depression, intense anger she couldn't explain, and low self-worth, she felt lost, stuck and hated the person and mother she had become. After deciding enough was enough, she invested in herself and started working with Zoe and a Inner Child Therapist where she learned that the deep emotions she was experiencing were unprocessed trauma, old limiting beliefs and the pressure (she was putting on herself) to be the ‘perfect parent’.

She learned strategies and tools to start healing and tame her very loud inner critic so she could give herself the love and compassion she needed and in turn, she was able to show this to her son and show up as the mum and woman she wanted to be.

She is hugely passionate about working with mothers to let go of self-doubt and the limiting beliefs holding them back in life and instead guide and support them to connect to who they truly are by reparenting their inner child, learning self-compassion and strengthening their mindset so they can feel full of confidence and self-belief, feeling safe and empowered to create a life of more love, joy and fulfilment for themselves and their children.