MOMENT | The SECRET to thriving as a dual-career couple and making it work with behavioural professor Jennifer Petriglieri

Welcome back to Motherkind Moment. Moment is your place on a Monday for calm and connection and maybe even a shift in perspective before the week ahead.

This week, I’m talking to Jennifer Petriglieri, a Professor of Organizational Behaviour at INSEAD. Jennifer studied the successful relationships of people who both had successful careers, and what she found was absolutely fascinating.

Listen to this moment episode to find out the secret to thriving as a dual-working couple.

I hope you enjoy this moment episode.


Ep 264 - I’m a midwife who’s had 11 rounds of IVF and experienced tragic loss: Here is what needs to change with Sophie Martin


Ep 263 - “When my baby was 7 months I was diagnosed with cancer” Surprising lessons it taught me that I think every mother needs to hear