MOMENT | You have more power than you think with Jen Gale

Welcome to the very first episode of the Motherkind Moment. Every Monday I am going to release a short inspirational clip from one of my previous episodes. My intention is to give you a moment of joy, inspiration and perhaps even shift your perspective as we start a new week together.

A little moment of Motherkind every Monday before the crazy week ahead.

Today's Moment is 10 minutes long with sustainability author and speaker Jen Gale. It is in honor of COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, which started yesterday. Jen brilliantly breaks down the issue and the incredible power we each have to be part of the solution.

Each time we make a different, more conscious, more thoughtful choice, about what we buy, or what we don’t buy (choosing to re-use or repair instead) we are changing the world.

- Jen Gale

As always, we continue the conversation over on Instagram, so come and join us there.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

FREEBIES! Find out how you can take control of your life, reconnect to you and more! Download ‘10 Ways to Reconnect to You’ and our weekly and monthly check-in on

Are you ready to find freedom from guilt? Let me help you find Freedom from Perfectionism if you are a mother who has ever felt not quite enough.

GROUP COACHING GROUP COACHING EXPERIENCE - Reconnect to you: the reboot. It’s a powerful 30-day programme to help you feel like you again. The next group begins in November 2021. Curious? Find out more.

About Jen Gale

Jen Gale is an author, blogger, writer, podcaster, campaigner, community builder and speaker. Her book The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide covers everything you need to know to make small changes that make a big difference and her new book just released in March 2021 is The Sustainable(ish) Guide to Green Parenting which offers guilt-free eco ideas for raising your kids.

Her aim with Sustainable(ish) is to offer practical inspiration for small easy steps to get started living a more sustainable lifestyle and to consume more consciously. Steps that we can all take, without having to shun the shops, and live off-grid.


Ep 171 - How to stop stressing about sleep with Lyndsey Hookway


Ep 170 - How to find the confidence to do motherhood your way with Hollie de Cruz