Ep. 150 - Re-release: Breaking the superwoman addiction with Amy Taylor-Kabbaz

+++ As you might know, my 121 coaching is sold out with a waitlist. I'm so passionate about supporting more mothers, I've decided I'm going to launch my first ever group programme next week, there's space for just 30 of our community - find out more and register click here +++

I’m re-releasing this important episode covering Matrescence with the wonderful Amy Taylor-Kabbaz. Amy is an author, journalist and a matrescence activist. Her latest book, ‘Mama Rising: Discovering the New You Through Motherhood’ , is brilliant and was released last year.  

For the last 10 years, Amy’s work has revolved around her search for an answer to the question of what happens to a woman when she becomes a mother. Amy’s search began after not being able to find anything that described the experience she had been through in her own journey to motherhood, until she came across the word ‘matrescence’.

Matrescence means the experience of becoming a mother and the radical identify shift that goes along with it. Amy describes this in such a beautiful way – she says that when we become a mother, ‘we split in two’ – the person we used to be and the mother we are becoming. And, unless we honour that shift, we can get lost in the process of trying to figure out exactly who we are now.

I know I really relate to this, and that many of you do, too. I really enjoyed my conversation with Amy and I think you’re going to get a lot out of this episode. As always, the conversation continues over on Instagram so do come and join us there.

Resources mentioned in this episode

About Amy

Amy Taylor-Kabbaz is a journalist, researcher, author, coach and mother. She focuses on empowering women and understanding motherhood. Amy is known for her work on matrescence and the transition that women go through as a mother. Her latest book, ‘Mama Rising: Discovering the New You Through Motherhood’, was released in December through Hay House.

To learn more about Amy and her work, head over to her website or follow Amy over on Facebook.


With the kids finally back at school and some normalcy returning, we are all keen to keep life moving. NHS Test and Trace are encouraging all adults in England to get tested twice a week using totally free rapid Covid-19 tests, which are now available for all adults in England.

Testing is going to help prevent around 1 and 3 people who have Covid-19 but with no symptoms or knowledge they are spreading it.

It’s a fast and easy way to find out if you have Coronavirus, with results in around 30 minutes. You can order tests to your home or go to a test site or participating pharmacies.

For more information and guidance online go to nhs.uk/gettested

The more of us who take part the more we can help protect each other.


Ep 151 - Empowered transitions with Alister Gray


Ep 149 - The secret to enriching your child's emotional health with Kate Silverton