Ep 161 - Re-release - How to heal yourself with Dr. Nicole LePera

Welcome to this week’s episode. It’s a very special one. Perhaps one of the most important conversations I’ve ever had on the podcast. Dr. Nicole Le Pera, who you might know as the holistic psychologist, was trained in clinical psychology at Cornell University and the School for Social Research.

As a clinical psychologist with her own private practice, she found herself really frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. And I know many of you have experienced that and I have experienced that myself.

Wanting more for her patients and for herself. She began a journey to develop a philosophy of mental, physical and spiritual health to help people heal themselves. After experiencing the life-changing results herself, she began to share what she’d learned with others—and soon “The Holistic Psychologist”, now with over 3.5 million followers, was born.

This work and this conversation that we have is a paradigm shift.

Her teachings empower us in actually quite simple ways to break free from the generational cycles that we get stuck in and to create who we really are and who we want to become. This is what she calls self-healing.

The massive changes I have experienced in myself have not come from traditional therapy. They have come from me observing a behavior in myself I want to change, trying a new behavior and becomming aware of what I have noticed. Journaling is probably the cornerstone of that practice for me, and that’s why you hear me talk about it week in and week out.

This is a really important conversation. We talk about how behaviors get passed down through the generations.

There is nothing more profound for us to do as mothers and parents than to work on our own stuff. The sad truth is that what we don’t heal we can pass on. And that is why this inner work is so important.

This conversation is like the masterclass about why that is and how to do it.

I wish every parent could listen to this conversation. What a shift we would see in the world. If you enjoy it and it resonates and you feel empowered and inspired please share it.

It was amazing for me to sit with Dr. Nicole. I hope you enjoy it.

We talk about:

  • Why your past is still informing your present

  • How to stop living on auto-pilot

  • How to heal your deepest patterns, on a daily basis

  • Why modeling to our children is the most effective way to teach them

Are you fully immersed and present?

- Dr. Nicole LePera

As always, we continue the conversation over on Instagram, so come and join us there.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Website

  • Instagram - with 3.5 million followers, she teaches how to heal + consciously create a new version of yourself

  • Her new book - How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self.

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Are you ready to find freedom from guilt? Let me help you find Freedom from Perfectionism if you are a mother who has ever felt not quite enough.

About Dr. Nicole LePera

Dr. Nicole Le Pera, who you might know as the holistic psychologist, was trained in clinical psychology at Cornell University and the School for Social Research.


Ep. 162 - Re-release: Reflections on motherhood and redefining success with Ella Mills


Ep. 160 - Re-release How to stop living on autopilot and create the life you really want with Dr. Tara Swart