Ep 270 - "I was riddled with self doubt" Cherry Healey’s lessons on how to accept yourself

Welcome to this episode of the Motherkind podcast, this is the show that's going to give you confidence, clarity, and connection in this wild ride of motherhood.

Today I'm speaking to the wonderful presenter and author Cherry Healy. This is a really special episode for me, because I remember watching Cherry has a baby way before I became a mum and I just fell in love with her. She is one of those women that you just want to be friends with. She is smart, honest, funny and she's pioneered women's health and issues for decades in her TV work.

We chat about:

- Why deep down, do any of us really feel good enough?

- Boundaries, worth and purpose

- Why do we devalue what we're naturally really good at

I think you are going to love this one. Please share this episode with two other mums for me. I think everyone needs to hear it.


MOMENT | Reshma Saujani on why you need to keep your dreams alive in motherhood


MOMENT | Midwife and Post-partum specialist Illiyin Morrison on processing birth trauma