Episode 41: Finding your purpose with Jessica Huie MBE

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Jessica Huie MBE went from being a teenager mum, expelled from school and living in a hostel, to being an award-winning entrepreneur and PR maven (working with some of the World’s biggest names including Meghan Markle). She was also listed in Glamour Magazine’s Power List as one of the UK’s most influential women.

Jessica is a mum of two, a step-mum and an author; having just released a book with Hay House called, ‘Purpose: Find your Truth and Embrace Your Calling’.

We cover;

  • Her background and how she came to be where she is today. Jessica reveals the inner issues that came with the massive success she achieved. We also discuss the transformative effect meditation had on her outlook and life.

  • Her spiritual outlook on the world; Jessica explains how and why being of service to others is so vital to our well-being, and what happens when we stop doing this.

  • How she found her true purpose, and why staying connected to a higher power has changed her life from being unsustainable and feeling unsupported to one where she ultimately knows she is supported. Jessica explains how this has led to a radically different view on life.

  • Her challenges and growth as a mother. We chat about how she aims to create an environment where her children can evolve, rather than shaping them in a pre-determined way.



Jessica’s book ‘Purpose: Find Your Truth and Embrace Your Calling’ is available now on Amazon


04:56 Jessica’s background

07:10 Her path from a highly successful career to an inner focused way of living

09:15 The transformative effect of her dad’s diagnosis of cancer

12:10 Pain as a teacher

14:40 Where we experience true joy and purpose

15:57 Receptions to Jessica’s book

17:55 Her purpose today

22:40 How Jessica approaches a problem now

25:10 Creating an environment of spiritual growth for children

29:50 Where should people start their journey of inner work?

31:04 Important books on Jessica’s journey


Episode 42: how to have children, a career and stay sane (ish) with Christine Armstrong


Episode 40: Amelia Freer on self care and the first year of motherhood